WEDDED Wednesdays: The Brandons' Story

Welcome to "WEDDED Wednesdays." Each week we share our friends' stories of love and marriage with you! Real LOVE stories. This week - Meet the BRANDONS!




How long have you been married? 2 years and 4 months


How did you meet? We both tried out for a ministry called Destinations at my old church Destiny Metro. We both made the team and had to do a few poetry pieces together which required us to talk and rehearse for hours on end.

"So. X and I met in Destinations and began rehearsing for our first show together in September 2010.

X, a friend Ebonie (who performed a poem at our wedding), and I, were chosen to do a three part poem called Unthinkable. During rehearsal, all three of us had to stand next to each other twice week which forced us to begin having conversations.

Later that month, the three of us were asked to do another three person piece for the same show. This time, we only had two weeks to rehearse which meant me had to meet several times a week. Through this, we began to develop a friendship.

One night, on Facebook, X messaged me and asked how I was. I must have responded something like "I'm ok" because his response was 'Look, I don't do surface relationships, if we're going to be friends then you need to tell me everything.' So I did! And that night we talked on Facebook for a while and ended up talking on Skype for hours. He was doing what he loves to do; ministering to me!

From that night on, we talked for hours everyday which strengthened our friendship even more.

One night in November, we went to a movie and then to centennial park and talked about life, fears and our desires for the future. After I got home that night, around 3 am, I messaged him on Skype and told him that I really liked him and I just needed to tell him. He responded that he liked me too.

From that point, we remained friends while also having this underlying knowledge that we felt more for each other. We were both apprehensive about getting into a relationship because we had been hurt before.

FindlayHouse XnIfie Handskake

After about a month, X began making it clear that he wanted to be with me, while I was making it clear that I wasn't ready for that.

Fast forward to January 22, 2011, X's birthday. We went to see a movie called "No Strings Attached." By the end of the movie, I was all in my feelings because I could tell that God was showing me myself. I had a light bulb moment and realized that I was afraid to love again and it was time to just give it a chance.

That night ended with us having our first kiss and a week later, we made it official.

After four and a half years, a marriage, and a baby, we're still going strong!" - Ifie

How long did you date? We dated for a year a two months before we got engaged. Then we were engaged for a year and 2 months before we got married. 


How would you describe your wedding? All about us! It was filled with our favorite things: music, family, dancing  and good food! We had a reception that was split between a traditional american reception and a traditional Nigerian reception.


Marriage Mission Statement: 

To be an example of Christs' love for humanity through sacrifice, humility, courage, service, obedience and love to God the Father. 


Best Advice you received before marriage: Keep God first, pray about everything, and listen with filters (meaning, sometimes when your partner is hurt, they say things they don't really mean. Listen for what they're actually saying and consider where their mindset is, what's going on in life, fears, etc)


Favorite activity to do together: Well. Sex, travel and watch movies lol

[LOVE the honesty...:bops: to 'Let's talk about sex baby' No? Too soon? Oh well you know ITS coming eventually right :smirks:] 


Advice for engaged couples: Enjoy the engagement time! Go to premarital counseling. Have the conversations about expectations and needs BEFORE you get married. Don't stress over the wedding, the real work begins after that wedding day. 


Blog Link(s): [Ifie poignantly shares her heart and journey through life, marriage, and motherhood through a blog she has poetically entitled]  [Check it out! You won't be disappointed!! xoxo CF]