Let There Be Light!


Happy Wednesday pilgrims!! December is upon us, in a most beautiful way...even with the ugly goings-on in the world. We still have sunshine. We still have light. We still have love. We still have hope.

In the beginning...

The beginning is important. Clichés have taught us, "It's not how you start, it's how you finish," but that can be misleading.

The start of a thing is always important.

Inherently we understand that, that's why we celebrate birthdays or take the time to create blueprints for projects and plan courses of actions when we set goals. That's why abortion is such a hotly debated topic.

While it is true  that how a thing starts doesn't necessarily determine how it ends, there is something to be learned from every beginning. 

Danny and I are in the beginning stages of our marriage.


This past Monday was our one-month anniversary. (Woot Woot! One month down a lifetime to go!) We celebrated by watching our wedding video for the first time and eating leftover cake. It was good for us. It was a nice transition from the Thanksgiving holiday to the new month of December.


We did a lot of nesting over the Thanksgiving weekend. I was busy in the kitchen making a Thanksgiving feast fit for my king. And Danny was hard at work running errands, rearranging furniture and mounting our new TV. The highlight of the weekend was sitting together to eat at our two-week-old table and being able to share our Thanksgiving meal with others.

...If you're a runner, at the outset of a race, its considered a "best practice" to set a pace based on the length of the course. By setting a pace you safeguard against fatigue and dropping out of the race before finishing. This first month, Danny and I were intentional with our actions and with troubleshooting any wrinkles or kinks that surfaced. We understand that if we begin the right way and commit the lessons we're learning to memory we can continue the course to a lifelong happy marriage -

'Til Dust Do Us Part.

When GOD created the world, the first thing HE said was "Let there be light," (Genesis 1:3). Remember, every beginning, every start is important, and creation began with light.

To this day, Light is the most potent form of energy known to man. Obviously light is good for us, without it, mankind wouldn't be able to survive. With light humankind has the ability to see, to grow food and to cook food. With light humankind has invented all kinds of technology, and even created bombs that have leveled entire cities. Light is powerful.


And when light is contained, focused, and directed inwardly, it can show us what's inside of us. We call that an X-Ray.

Knowing what's going on inside of us and being able to honestly verbalize it to another, is part of good communication which leads to true intimacy.

Intimacy is a large part of our lives, single or married. Unfortunately in this culture we often box intimacy in and label it "sex." But there's so much more to it than that.

Good communication drives intimacy. However, in a society that often hides behind sarcasm, innuendos, subliminal or indirect messages and blatant lies, good communication often goes untouched and true intimacy undiscovered.

Danny and I are on a mission to change that beginning with ourselves and our marriage.  We want to be light by living in light. We believe everyone should have the chance to experience genuine intimacy. As humans we crave it. We were designed to have it.

So, let there be light!

Light in our homes.

Light in our interactions.

Light in our relationships.

Light in our hearts.

Darkness has its place too. But light is the most powerful of the two.

No matter how deep the darkness it can never drown  out even the smallest glimmer of light. 

social media
social media

Journey with us and become partners in light.We invite you to connect with us and hold us accountable. 

Share your stories and struggles with us in the areas of love,  good communication, intimacy, trust and interactions of light.

Make suggestions, what other areas and topics do you think we should explore.

Ask questions.Ask us anything. Ask us about our first year of marriage. Or ask us what we think about certain aspects of intimacy, trust, forgiveness, good communication, love, etc. Ask away.

To have your story featured or to have your questions answered on this segment we've entitled

"X-Ray Wednesdays: Living in the Light"

Email Danny and I at:


If you want the option to ask probing questions anonymously  do it here:


On youtube watch us here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQgdrttd-1qA0o_bQrs4PQw

Our short video series "Findlays' First Year" about the adventures in our first year of marriage will air the last Wednesday of every month.

What are we waiting for? (And when I say WE I'm talking about YOU too!)

Let's BE Light,


***Please beAdvised all submissions and X-Ray Wednesdays features are subject to the final approval of Danny and Cara . All stories will be shared in such a way as to ensure that the integrity of this blog is not compromised. Submissions and questions will be subject to the honest and candid commentary that Danny and Cara are known for. Trust between those who make submissions, readers and writers (Danny and Cara) will be maintained.***