15 Days of Optimism: The Little Things

I opted not to post anything regarding this optimism challenge yesterday, and instead chose to share a piece I wrote honoring the memory of Dr. Maya Angelou.

It was a great exercise in optimism because it caused me to pause, reflect, and acknowledge the legacy she left for us.

I have found that as I drawer closer to the end of this 15 day challenge (it's day 13) it has become increasingly difficult to maintain my resolve. Some obstacle rears it's head in an attempt to throw me off center.

But I'm still standing.

Today many distractions arose from feeling pressure to get projects complete, to back pain, to unexpected favors asked, to feeling exhausted and alone, to being made to wait for a very long time for a salad.

Each time something arose I was tempted to complain.

Instead I chose to smile, smile so big and wide that I looked like a fool. And I enjoyed it, because each time I smiled my mood instantly improved. No matter how many times I had to do it. It worked.

So I am grateful for the little things. I'm thankful I had the tenacity to take control of my day and that I refused to settle for misery by complaining.

I simply prayed to God, smiled wide, and placed everything about this day in His hands.

Smiling about the little things,