Wedding Wednesdays: First Things First

I truly believe that we are all called to lives of transparency and one way I aim to exercise my own sharing ability is through my blog.

One of the most important days of my journey seems to be fast approaching and I want to include you all as much as possible! So a few housekeeping items for these Wedding Wednesday Posts:

The Marriage is More Important than the actual Wedding Ceremony and Reception. I know this and whole heartedly believe this. Danny and I are taking steps to prepare for our marriage and not simply our wedding, that includes premarital class and mentorship from married couples.

While marriage is the more important matter, I decided to go with Wedding Wednesday instead of Marriage Monday because I'm not married right now! However, you can expect me to share any gems I've learned about marriage.

The Wedding is still important. Why? On your wedding day you make a commitment to GOD (oh, you thought it was just to your significant other? well, you'd be mistaken). You make a vow to GOD first and your spouse secondly in front of witnesses to remain faithful to your spouse come what may (good, bad, ugly) until you take your last breath. So amidst all the fanfare that typically surrounds a wedding celebration, and even wedding planning, pausing to reflect on making a vow to God in front of people is very sobering.

I chose Wedding Wednesdays as a way to share with you because you matter to me. Each one of you who has ever taken the time to read any one of my posts matters to me. Even those people who have never read this post matter to me. Why? Because everyone matters! If I had a bottomless budget then I would invite as many people as I could to share in such a momentous occasion but the reality is that won't be possible. Still, I want as many of you as possible to share in this with me even if its only by way of the internet. I promise to make you as a reader feel very much a part by including a poll or two during each post that ask your thoughts and opinions and of course your comments are always welcomed!

My disclaimer (yes, there is a disclaimer) about your inclusion is this: With the polls a majority vote will not sway my personal decisions. And 9.5 times out of 10 my decision(s) will have already been made before asking the question(s).Also, this blog is entirely based on my personal discretion. With that being said I won't share specifics on Everything before hand but shortly after the fact, I assure you there will be plenty of photos and video for your viewing pleasure. 

Now On To Our FirST Wedding Wednesday POST:

First Things First


I'm engaged! Yay!! Now what?

:Shrugs, Enjoys Being Engaged, Procrastinates:

That's a very accurate description of my process so far. I was overwhelmed with the idea of actually really being engaged. And overwhelmed again at the thought of having to plan a wedding. So when I was asked that "most-asked-question" my answer was 'No.'

Which in some ways is a little surprising since I usually have such a hard time saying no.

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But after the initial phases of being overwhelmed, mostly in a good way, enjoying an engagement period with no thoughts of wedding planning but much prayer and some procrastination I realized it was time to get the ball rolling.

Can I just say that wedding planning is truly a monster of a special kind? I was completely convinced that I would be the most un-bridezilla bride ever but somehow I'm already beginning to question that. LOL.


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So once you're engaged what aspects of wedding planning should become priority?

Prayer.It is a Very NECESSARY part of wedding planning! I have truly been in constant communication with God whether to find a release for my random moments of excitement (especially when I'm alone in my office at work), a vent for my frustrations and concerns and for His help and peace of mind. I can be a worry wart sometimes. But I choose to believe I'll be cured of that by the time this process is over.

Finding a Venue and Setting a Date. So initially, I went about this the wrong way. I was more focused on finding a venue than picking a date. Part of the reason was procrastination and some of it was fear of committing myself to a certain date. So my conversation with Danny was something like this:

Me: "We find a venue we like and see what dates they have available."

Him: "No, that's not how it works. You pick a date and then find a venue you like and go from there."

One of many reasons why I need him in life, to show me a better way, the right way even!

Choosing the Bridal Party. These will be the people closest to you on your Wedding Day. They should be people you love and trust. People who will not only enjoy your day with you and have a good time but will be there to encourage you in your journey years down the line! Choosing your bridal party is a top priority because once you have your date, you want to make sure these people have enough advanced notice and time to plan, especially if they are coming in from out of town. That way they have ample time to plan and save money for whatever attire or plane ticket purchases or hotel room booking etc.

I believe that centering on God, having the support of my fiancé, our family & friends and keeping the entire process in proper perspective will ultimately be what will get me through this new and exciting time.

Journey with me!?

Take the polls. Comment. Let's laugh a little.

As always, wishing you fellow pilgrims a journey filled with love & light

